NEHNEHNIPUPU, You can't copy! :P
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Failed tp again.
but hey its alright, take it again lor.

Starting work soon, schedules have to be re-adjusted.
Driving needs to be taken into considerations.
Results out next week, so studies and fyp needs to be looked into.
and of course time with ppl.

Holidays..time to live and let live!

If juggling situations was as easy as juggling three tennis balls
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

This whole situation ain't new to me.
Where life spirals downwards and not in the other direction.
I hope i could get it through and not fall like the previous.
I don't want another friendship to end just because of me.
To all those who are 'spying'on my life, just get OUT.
You have been giving the wrong information and it is getting frustrating
I have to clear the mess that you created
I just want a clean life where everything is open.
where there is nothing to hide, no one to say, 'That is wrong'
I have friends who are supporting me, i wish everyone would do so too...
but would you be willing to back up my decisions, the way i do things, the way i think?
The next time you see me and wonder 'who she is'
pluck up your courage and ask me straight.
my answer will always be the same, never changing.

I have been doing alot of thinking this morning and realise one thing.
I have set my piorities wrongly again.
God is suppose to be my number one, no matter what.
Family Second and then my friends.
This piortiy thing really got hay-wired.
someone please constably remind me.
NO matter how much i wanna grow up and be set free
i know i need my family and they need me.
its an inevitable fact that can never be changed
but can i accept the way my family is?
can i accept the loosen bolts and screws that has fallen from what was a well oiled machine?
I have to
I must
its my DUTY.
I have other duties too
juggling them will be a probelm
but i guess this is where everyone says...'pray lar'

Relationships are hard to upkeep, how do people do it?
Relationship with your parents,
Relationships with your siblings,
Reltionships with your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins
Relationships with your boyfriend/girlfriend
Relationships with your close buddy's and friends
Relationship with God
There are just so many on my plate, how to look into everyone,
how to make everyone HAPPY?
I want to, but i don't know how to...
unless i forego one for another...
must it really come to this?
I don't know
but will i ever know?